Man Installing Garage Cabinet

If you’ve taken the leap and bought yourself garage cabinets - or you’re simply considering doing so - you’re probably wondering how you might need to proceed with installation. The good news is, installing garage cabinets can actually be incredibly simple - provided that you opt for quality brands and plan your installation beforehand. 

In the following comprehensive guide, we’re going to show you how to install garage cabinets step by step, with tips on planning, measuring, cleaning and assembly. Let’s get started!


What are garage cabinets?

Garage cabinets are a type of storage solution specifically designed for use in garages or workshops. They’re typically made from sturdy materials such as metal, wood, or heavy-duty plastic to withstand the rigors of a garage environment. Whether you’re a homeowner or a DIY hobbyist, these cabinets can help to  maintain an organized and clutter-free space by providing a designated area for tools, equipment, and other items that tend to accumulate in garages. 

Garage cabinets also come in various sizes, styles, and configurations to suit individual needs and preferences; they can be free-standing, wall-mounted, or built into the garage structure itself - and the type you opt for is naturally going to impact your installation process. 

In addition to simple installation, some cabinets feature adjustable shelving, allowing you to customize the layout to accommodate items of different shapes and sizes. Additionally, many garage cabinets have lockable doors for added security and to keep dangerous tools or chemicals out of reach of children and pets, which will also need to be taken into consideration during the installation process.


What are the benefits of garage cabinets?

Storage space 

One of the primary benefits of garage cabinets is the additional storage space they provide. By designating specific areas for your tools, equipment, and other items, you can keep everything organized and easily accessible. No more wasting time searching for a particular tool or tripping over clutter! With garage cabinets, you can maximize your storage capacity and make the most of your available space.

Free up room in your home 

Garage cabinets not only help organize your garage, but also free up valuable space inside your home; many people use their garages as overflow storage for items that don't have a place indoors. By installing garage cabinets and organizing your belongings, you can move items that are taking up space in your home into the garage, creating a more functional and clutter-free living environment. This added organization can make your daily life more enjoyable and less stressful.

Protect your belongings 

Garage cabinets also offer a safe and secure place to store your valuable tools and equipment, protecting them from potential damage caused by moisture, dust, and accidental falls. Many cabinets come with lockable doors, providing an extra layer of security and ensuring that dangerous tools or chemicals are kept out of reach of children and pets.

Visual appeal

Aside from their practical benefits, garage cabinets also contribute to the overall aesthetics of your space; you can even choose garage cabinets that match the style and color scheme of your garage or house for a cohesive and polished look. Plus, a well-organized and visually appealing garage can not only make the area in your garage more enjoyable to work in, but may also increase the value of your home.


How to install garage cabinets

So, how do you install garage cabinets? First of all, it’s important to note that installation methods will tend to differ from brand to brand, so it’s always important to read the manufacturer’s instructions before beginning any installation process. That said, here are some general guidelines that should make the assembly and installation process run smoothly:

Plan your layout

Before purchasing or installing garage cabinets, carefully plan your layout. Measure the available space in your garage and decide where you'd like to place the cabinets. Consider factors like accessibility, workflow, and the placement of other items in the garage. Sketch out a rough design or use an online tool to help you visualize the layout. 

Choose the right cabinets

Select cabinets that fit your needs in terms of size, material, and style, and ensure they meet your storage requirements and can accommodate any tools and equipment you plan on storing in your space. You also don't want to forget to consider the weight capacity of the cabinets, as well as any additional features like adjustable shelves or lockable doors. If you’re working within a small space, Ulti-MATE garage storage cabinets are fully modular and can be adapted to your space with ease. They also ship flat-packed, so they won’t take up a lot of room during the pre-installation stage. If you’re not sure which cabinets to opt for, take a look at the best garage cabinets of 2023 for some inspiration.

Assemble the cabinets

Following the manufacturer's instructions, assemble your garage cabinets. This may involve attaching hardware, securing shelves, and assembling doors or drawers. Make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials on hand before starting. Note that certain brands - such as NewAge garage storage cabinets - will come ready-assembled, so all you need to do is install them correctly. Like ULTI-Mate cabinets, NewAge cabinets are also fully modular, so you can adapt the cabinets to better suit your space if necessary.

Prepare the installation area

Clear the area where you plan to install the cabinets. If you're mounting cabinets on the wall, locate the wall studs using a stud finder and mark their positions. Ensure the wall is clean and free of any obstructions. 

Install wall-mounted cabinets

For wall-mounted cabinets, you'll need to attach a mounting rail or bracket to the wall studs, ensuring it is level and secure. Once the rail or bracket is in place, hang the cabinets onto the rail or attach them to the bracket as per the manufacturer's instructions. Double-check that the cabinets are level and securely fastened to the wall. 

Install free-standing cabinets

For free-standing cabinets, simply move them into their designated positions. You may need to adjust the leveling feet to ensure the cabinets are stable and level on your garage floor. In some cases, it may be necessary to secure the cabinets to the wall for added stability – follow the manufacturer's recommendations if you choose to do this. 

Secure cabinets together 

If you're installing multiple cabinets, you may need to secure them to one another to create a seamless and stable storage system. This typically involves attaching the cabinets using screws or brackets, following the manufacturer's guidelines. 

Add finishing touches

Once the cabinets are installed, add any additional accessories, such as hooks, pegboards, or lighting. Organize your tools and equipment within the cabinets, ensuring that everything is easily accessible and in its proper place. And there you have it! Your new cabinets should be ready to use and enjoy - just make sure to always read the manufacturer’s notice and use the above steps as general guidance.